We have compiled some frequently asked questions and answers about our business.The details are divided into sections with the answers; you can contact our customer service;if you have additional questions. Or join our Social media to receive news updates.
What is Hengcoin?
HENGCoin is digital currency (Blockchain BNB chain), a new cryptocurrency that is built on the “Blockchain BNB chain” which is a technology used to verify any transactions related to Hengcoin. The heart of Hengcoin is “Decentralized” without control from any intermediary or government or bank supervision. The amount of Hengcoin available is limited to approximately 21 million coins
What is the main purpose of Hengcoin?
Used to exchange digital assets or invest in supported platforms to make a profit or expand the assets held.
Hengcoin Can really be bought, sold, or exchanged?
Yes, you can buy, sell and exchange for payable token immediately!
What is a whitepaper?
A White Paper is a document in which the coin maker specifies all information related to the coin. It provides insights into the coin’s mechanism and outlines how the coin’s supply is controlled. Understanding whether the coin’s supply is limited can be crucial in making an informed decision before investing in it.
What is trading?
Trading in cryptocurrencies is about capitalizing on price fluctuations to make a profit. Cryptocurrency prices are known to move rapidly, attracting speculators seeking profit opportunities in the market. Different trading strategies like Scalping, Day Trading, and Swing Trading exist. However, being a successful trader requires analytical skills, knowledge of various techniques, and staying updated with news to predict coin prices accurately.
What is long-term investing (Hodl)?
HODL is a term used by long-term investors in the crypto industry. Those who follow this strategy are referred to as ‘HODLers,’ derived from ‘Hold on for dear life.’ The concept involves holding onto cryptocurrency coins for extended periods, often months or years, without selling regardless of market price fluctuations. When considering this approach, investors should evaluate the technology behind the coin they are purchasing and assess its potential for long-term growth.
What is staking?
It involves depositing coins into a digital wallet that supports staking and locking them. The coins we deposit are used to validate transactions on the Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain, with rewards for staking coming in the form of interest. The rate will depend on the conditions of each platform.
However, staking typically comes with a lock-up period during which we cannot withdraw our deposited coins immediately.
What is airdrop?
An airdrop is a distribution of crypto coins or tokens to digital wallets. However, there is typically no such thing as completely free in this world. To receive free crypto coins through the airdrop method, individuals must fulfill various activities set by the provider, such as following social media accounts, sharing or retweeting posts, signing up for websites, etc. Airdrops serve as another marketing strategy for crypto projects, aiming to promote them and increase awareness among more people about the project.
When is Hengcoin halving?
HengCoin will undergo a halving event every 2 years, such as in 2024 and 2026.
Last updated